Quality & Sustainability Policy


To be a brand that is constantly in demand with its friendly service in a family atmosphere.


To increase customer dependence by providing services and products beyond our customers' expectations. To increase employee continuity and happiness by creating a good working environment where talents are developed and participation and teamwork are encouraged. To continuously and significantly increase the value we add to society and the environment. To develop continuously by using all our resources efficiently and to become a well-known and demanded brand in target markets.


ReliabilityFairnessEfficiencyTransparencyCreativityTeamworkTaking InitiativeEnvironmental AwarenessLove and Respect


While institutionalizing, we establish our operating and management system in accordance with international standards and ensure its implementation. We constantly measure and improve our guest satisfaction and service quality with the belief that we can always be better. We attach importance to continuity of training in order to raise the awareness of our staff and ensure the continuity of the system. We make new investments by working in accordance with country and regional policies. We take guest expectations into account in our investments, follow technology closely, improve ourselves and always use our experiences, knowledge and skills in a constructive way. To be the preferred workplace, we focus on both internal and external candidates for our employer brand. We create a participatory working environment by implementing our corporate and individual performance evaluation process by disseminating our strategies and goals to the entire organization and our employees, and making our corporate development approaches best practice examples. There is no discrimination (language, religion, race) against staff and guests. Everyone is evaluated equally. With our transparent management style, we ensure that all employees contribute to our system. By instilling the corporate identity in all employees, we create employees who believe in teamwork and ensure that they remain within the corporation for the long term. We work to place innovation and corporate entrepreneurship at the center of our corporate culture and to ensure the dissemination of its applications with the participation of our stakeholders. To communicate with our stakeholders in a transparent, participatory and mutual trust-based manner in all our activities, To proactively manage our social, environmental and economic impacts together with our stakeholders, To base stakeholder expectations on the "management with social responsibility awareness" approach reflected in our way of doing business, our culture and values, To shape and diversify our contribution in line with our social responsibility strategies. To support and spread the sustainability approach. In order to protect the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of information and to raise the awareness of our stakeholders about information security, we carefully prepare all our trainings and constantly inform both our customers and employees. We take all necessary precautions to increase local employment, protect and enrich the ecosystem in the places we are located, and share all the activities we do to protect our environment with our stakeholders. It is our priority to be at the forefront and take responsibility with our way of doing business beyond legal regulations, and to adopt a way of doing business that goes beyond full compliance with legal regulations. We accept anti-corruption and anti-bribery as our basic responsibility. We accept the values of reliability, justice, efficiency, transparency, initiative, creativity, teamwork, love and respect in corporate management. For our guests to have a healthy diet; We offer physically, chemically and microbiologically clean foods. We comply with the laws and regulations published in our country in the purchase, storage, preparation and presentation of raw materials. Our goal is to constantly raise our food safety standards and ensure that they are implemented as a system. While developing our products and services, we take care to ensure that they are environmentally friendly, safe, durable and of high quality. To obtain all relevant certifications and safety details for all our products and to maintain their sustainability with care.


In order to protect the environment and ensure sustainability for future generations; We are determined to use environmentally friendly hotel policies and implement the necessary measures in this direction. In order to be an environmentally friendly hotel, we know the effects of our activities on the environment and we work to minimize these effects. By working together, we can make the environment cleaner and safer and be a focal point that draws attention to environmental problems.


• By taking a proactive approach to our future needs and obligations in compliance with relevant environmental legislation,

• While maintaining our service quality in line with our guests' expectations, we also ensure the responsible use of energy, water and materials in order to protect natural resources,

• By implementing reuse and recycling activities in areas such as energy consumption, water consumption, management of waste materials and monitoring our performance regarding these activities,

• Working with appropriate collaborations and suppliers that have environmentally friendly policies and practices,

• We carry out our work by constantly reviewing and keeping it updated through an active environmental team and by communicating our work to all our employees and training them.


To provide secure access to its own and its stakeholders' information assets, To protect the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information, Evaluating and managing risks that may occur on its own and its stakeholders' information assets, To protect the reliability and brand image of the institution, To apply the necessary sanctions in case of violation of information security, To ensure information security requirements arising from the national, international or sectoral regulations to which it is subject, to fulfill legal and relevant regulatory requirements, to meet its obligations arising from agreements, and its corporate responsibilities towards internal and external stakeholders, To reduce the impact of information security threats on business / service continuity and ensure the continuity and sustainability of the business, It is committed to maintaining and improving the level of information security with the established control infrastructure.


• We take the necessary measures to respect children's rights and protect children against forms of exploitation (including sexual exploitation).

• We support programs that prevent children from becoming in need of protection and care.

• We engage in activities to increase social awareness and sensitivity to prevent violence against children.

• We cooperate with all stakeholders serving children.

• We ensure that all suspicious actions regarding children are reported to local authorities and relevant organizations

• We organize trainings to ensure that our staff is aware of how to approach and serve children.

• We follow and enforce all laws and regulations regarding child workers.


To determine goals and targets in order to use our energy resources more efficiently, to review them and to provide the necessary resources to achieve our goals, To follow all national laws, regulations and other conditions that we must comply with regarding energy efficiency and the use of energy resources, and to fulfill their requirements, To continuously improve and improve our Energy Management System and energy performance; For this purpose, we replace our existing systems with more efficient systems and prioritize new systems, purchase energy efficient products and services, We are committed to contributing to the awareness raising of our suppliers, subcontractors and visitors, as well as the training of all our employees on energy sensitivity.